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Health & Safety

Taffys have set up Environment First, Safety First & Colleague First initiatives to reinforce our commitment to the protection of our colleagues and the surrounding environment. 

Our Environmental and Health and Safety manual aims to outline the key policies which we have implemented to ensure this becomes engrained in the Taffys culture.

As part of carrying out our daily work activities and business Taffys will stand out from the crowd when it comes to ethical and correct work practices with regard to the work place, the global environment and the safety of our colleagues, clients and suppliers. These are the rights that we recognize:

•    Every colleague at Taffys has the right to work in a safe environment
•    Every colleague is responsible for ensuring safe work environment
•    Every colleague in the work place will do their best to reduce the impact on the environment
•    Every colleague has “rights” to respect and be respected by each other

Taffys recognizes that accidents causes personal suffering and loss to employees, and disruption and loss to an organization hence Taffys have set up this Environmental, Health and Safety manual.

The policies and procedures set out in this manual are for the protection of employees, clients and Taffys company. It is Taffys policy that employees and visitors follow these policies and procedures at all times. 

Maintaining a safe workplace is an ongoing task that requires input and commitment from all our staff and visitors. This manual places responsibilities on all employees to monitor the safety of our workplace, remove hazards, and take appropriate steps if they need help to deal with situations that constitute a risk to themselves or others. 

Overall responsibility for the health and safety of employees and the workplace rests with the Directors, who are advised immediately if a risk to employees or visitors is identified or perceived but every colleague at Taffys has a role to play on a daily basis.
Wellbeing is a Priority

At Taffys the wellbeing of our colleagues is an absolute priority and we recognize that each person working in Taffys or with Taffys should be treated with respect and that all individuals have a right to voice their opinion and the environment which we will nurture is one of mutual respect and trying to look after each other’s well being. We also recognize that open dialogue is the key to solving problems and getting over differences and we will try to create a culture where this is possible.

We aim to working closely as a team, because we recognize an effective team operates with mutual respect and open communication, as a unified purpose, and a sense of shared responsibility. We ensure the health and safety of every single staff of our organization and visitors to our premises and take every necessary step to avoid any health and safety problems. 

To excel in health and safety our company has colleagues who are pro-active and willing to contribute to investigations, problem-solving, reporting and continuous improvement efforts.

Taffys and its colleagues are committed to maintaining a safe workplace to protect the health and safety of staff and visitors. The board of directors will encourage staff to return to work as soon as they are able in whatever limited capacity. 

Policies and procedures set out in the Health and Safety Manual are mandatory. Colleagues have a responsibility to ensure the safety of themselves, their colleagues, and visitors to the premises. 

Taffys and its management will always strive to maintain these policies and procedures.

Through written policies, we ensure that organizational decisions, practices, social and physical environments support healthy lifestyles.